- 下载exe文件(https://github.com/FiloSottile/mkcert/releases ),放到指定位置
- 修改文件名为mkcert.exe
- 配置环境变量Path,使得可以在命令行使用mkcert
- 执行 mkcert -install
PS C:\Users\admin> mkcert --help
Usage of mkcert:
$ mkcert -install
Install the local CA in the system trust store.
$ mkcert example.org
Generate "example.org.pem" and "example.org-key.pem".
$ mkcert example.com myapp.dev localhost ::1
Generate "example.com+4.pem" and "example.com+4-key.pem".
$ mkcert "*.example.it"
Generate "_wildcard.example.it.pem" and "_wildcard.example.it-key.pem".
$ mkcert -uninstall
Uninstall the local CA (but do not delete it).
Advanced options:
-cert-file FILE, -key-file FILE, -p12-file FILE
Customize the output paths.
Generate a certificate for client authentication.
Generate a certificate with an ECDSA key.
Generate a ".p12" PKCS #12 file, also know as a ".pfx" file,
containing certificate and key for legacy applications.
-csr CSR
Generate a certificate based on the supplied CSR. Conflicts with
all other flags and arguments except -install and -cert-file.
Print the CA certificate and key storage location.
$CAROOT (environment variable)
Set the CA certificate and key storage location. (This allows
maintaining multiple local CAs in parallel.)
$TRUST_STORES (environment variable)
A comma-separated list of trust stores to install the local
root CA into. Options are: "system", "java" and "nss" (includes
Firefox). Autodetected by default.