
因为有很多不同的方式来配置 redis,所以 StackExchange.Redis 提供了一个丰富的配置模型,该模型在调用 Connect(或ConnectAsync)时被调用:

var conn = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(configuration);


  • ConfigurationOptions 实例
  • 配置字符串




var conn = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect("localhost");


var conn = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect("redis0:6380,redis1:6380,allowAdmin=true");

如果在连接字符串中指定了 serviceName,它将触发前哨模式。

以下示例表示使用默认的哨兵端口(26379)连接到本地计算机上的哨兵服务器,发现 mymaster 服务的当前主服务器,并返回指向 master 服务器的托管连接。如果 master 服务器发生更改,托管连接将自动更新:

var conn = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect("localhost,serviceName=mymaster");

字符串和 ConfigurationOptions 切换非常简单:

ConfigurationOptions options = ConfigurationOptions.Parse(configString);


string configString = options.ToString();

A common usage is to store the basic details in a string, and then apply specific details at runtime:


string configString = GetRedisConfiguration();
var options = ConfigurationOptions.Parse(configString);
options.ClientName = GetAppName(); // only known at runtime
options.AllowAdmin = true;
conn = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(options);

Microsoft Azure Redis 示例:

var conn = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect("contoso5.redis.cache.windows.net,ssl=true,password=...");


ConfigurationOptions 对象有很多属性,一些较常用的选项包括:

Configuration stringConfigurationOptionsDefaultMeaning
abortConnect=AbortOnConnectFailtrue (false on Azure)If true, Connect will not create a connection while no servers are available
allowAdmin=AllowAdminfalseEnables a range of commands that are considered risky
channelPrefix=ChannelPrefixnullOptional channel prefix for all pub/sub operations
connectRetry=ConnectRetry3The number of times to repeat connect attempts during initial Connect
connectTimeout=ConnectTimeout5000Timeout (ms) for connect operations
configChannel=ConfigurationChannel__Booksleeve_MasterChangedBroadcast channel name for communicating configuration changes
configCheckSeconds=ConfigCheckSeconds60Time (seconds) to check configuration. This serves as a keep-alive for interactive sockets, if it is supported.
defaultDatabase=DefaultDatabasenullDefault database index, from 0 to databases - 1
keepAlive=KeepAlive-1Time (seconds) at which to send a message to help keep sockets alive (60 sec default)
name=ClientNamenullIdentification for the connection within redis
password=PasswordnullPassword for the redis server
user=UsernullUser for the redis server (for use with ACLs on redis 6 and above)
proxy=ProxyProxy.NoneType of proxy in use (if any); for example "twemproxy"
resolveDns=ResolveDnsfalseSpecifies that DNS resolution should be explicit and eager, rather than implicit
serviceName=ServiceNamenullUsed for connecting to a sentinel master service
ssl=SslfalseSpecifies that SSL encryption should be used
sslHost=SslHostnullEnforces a particular SSL host identity on the server's certificate
sslProtocols=SslProtocolsnullSsl/Tls versions supported when using an encrypted connection. Use '
syncTimeout=SyncTimeout5000Time (ms) to allow for synchronous operations
asyncTimeout=AsyncTimeoutSyncTimeoutTime (ms) to allow for asynchronous operations
tiebreaker=TieBreaker__Booksleeve_TieBreakKey to use for selecting a server in an ambiguous master scenario
version=DefaultVersion(3.0 in Azure, else 2.0)Redis version level (useful when the server does not make this available)
CheckCertificateRevocationtrueA Boolean value that specifies whether the certificate revocation list is checked during authentication.


  • ReconnectRetryPolicy (IReconnectRetryPolicy) - Default: ReconnectRetryPolicy = LinearRetry(ConnectTimeout);

配置字符串中的令牌以逗号分隔;任何不带 = 号的值均假定为 redis 服务器端点。 如果未启用 ssl,则没有显式端口的端点将使用 6379,而如果启用 ssl,则将使用 6380。 以 $ 开头的令牌用于表示命令映射,例如:$config = cfg



Configuration stringConfigurationOptionsPrevious DefaultPrevious Meaning
responseTimeout=ResponseTimeoutSyncTimeoutTime (ms) to decide whether the socket is unhealthy
writeBuffer=WriteBuffer4096Size of the output buffer

Automatic and Manual Configuration

在许多常见方案中,StackExchange.Redis 自动配置很多设置,包括服务器类型和版本,连接超时以及主/副本关系。 但有时这命令已在 redis 服务器上禁用。在这种情况下,提供更多信息很有用:

ConfigurationOptions config = new ConfigurationOptions
    EndPoints =
        { "redis0", 6379 },
        { "redis1", 6380 }
    CommandMap = CommandMap.Create(new HashSet<string>
    { // EXCLUDE a few commands
        "INFO", "CONFIG", "CLUSTER",
        "PING", "ECHO", "CLIENT"
    }, available: false),
    KeepAlive = 180,
    DefaultVersion = new Version(2, 8, 8),
    Password = "changeme"



Renaming Commands

redis 的一个不寻常的功能:可以禁用 和/或 重命名单个命令。按照前面的示例,这是通过 CommandMap 完成的,而不是将 HashSet<string> 传递给 Create()(指示可用或不可用的命令),而是传递 Dictionary<string,string>。假定字典中未提及的所有命令均已启用且未重命名。空值或空白值表示该命令已禁用。例如:

var commands = new Dictionary<string,string> {
        { "info", null }, // disabled
        { "select", "use" }, // renamed to SQL equivalent for some reason
var options = new ConfigurationOptions {
    // ...
    CommandMap = CommandMap.Create(commands),
    // ...




Twemproxy 是一个工具,它允许使用多个 redis 实例,就好像它是单个服务器一样,具有内置的分片和容错能力(与 redis 群集非常相似,但是是单独实现的)。Twemproxy 可用的功能集有所减少。 为了避免必须手动配置,可以使用 Proxy 选项:

var options = new ConfigurationOptions
    EndPoints = { "my-server" },
    Proxy = Proxy.Twemproxy

Tiebreakers and Configuration Change Announcements

通常,StackExchange.Redis 将自动解析主节点/副本节点。 但是,如果您未使用诸如 redis-sentinel 或 redis 集群之类的管理工具,则有时您会获得多个主节点(例如,在重置节点进行维护时,它可能会重新显示为网络中的主节点)。为了解决这个问题,StackExchange.Redis 可以使用 tie-breaker 的概念:仅在检测到多个主服务器时才使用(不包括 redis 集群,因为在此情况下应该有多个主服务器)。为了与 BookSleeve 兼容,默认使用名为 "__Booksleeve_TieBreak" 的键(始终在数据库0中)。这被用作粗略的投票机制,以帮助确定首选的主控方,以便正确地路由工作。

同样,当配置更改时(尤其是主/副本配置),对于连接的实例来说,使自己知道新情况(通过可用的 INFOCONFIG 等)也很重要。StackExchange.Redis 通过自动订阅可以在其上发送此类通知的发布/订阅频道来实现。 由于类似的原因,此默认设置为 "__Booksleeve_MasterChanged"

可以通过 .ConfigurationChannel.TieBreaker 配置属性来自定义或禁用这两个选项(设置为"")。

IServer.MakeMaster() 方法也使用这些设置,该方法可以在数据库中设置 tie-breaker 并广播配置更改消息。配置消息也可以单独用于主/副本更改,仅通过 ConnectionMultiplexer.PublishReconfigure 方法来请求所有节点刷新其配置。


当由于某种原因失去连接时,StackExchange.Redis 会自动尝试在后台重新连接。它会一直重试,直到恢复连接为止。它将使用 ReconnectRetryPolicy 来决定两次重试之间应等待的时间。ReconnectRetryPolicy 可以是线性(默认),指数或自定义重试策略。


config.ReconnectRetryPolicy = new ExponentialRetry(5000); // defaults maxDeltaBackoff to 10000 ms
//retry#    retry to re-connect after time in milliseconds
//1	        a random value between 5000 and 5500	   
//2	        a random value between 5000 and 6050	   
//3	        a random value between 5000 and 6655	   
//4	        a random value between 5000 and 8053
//5	        a random value between 5000 and 10000, since maxDeltaBackoff was 10000 ms
//6	        a random value between 5000 and 10000
config.ReconnectRetryPolicy = new LinearRetry(5000);
//retry#    retry to re-connect after time in milliseconds
//1	        5000
//2	        5000 	   
//3	        5000 	   
//4	        5000
//5	        5000
//6	        5000


译文地址: https://www.cnblogs.com/liang24/p/13818713.html